What do Walt Whitman, Adventure Aquarium, and the Battleship New Jersey have in common?
City of Camden, New JerseyCamden History Mural Interpretive Touchwall
Visit ProjectAn interactive touchwall activates the lobby of Camden City Hall, featuring a mural and map of the region's history and culture. Visitors can pinch, zoom, and swipe to navigate the digital interactive. Tapping on mural subjects or map pins reveals information about notable People, Events, and Places in the history of Camden. All content can also be accessed and filtered through the universal navigation.

The mural includes snapshots from a complete history of Camden, spanning from the Lenape Nation to the Black Lives Matter protests of 2020. The map allows visitors to explore over 50 historic sites, organizations, and Revolutionary War battleground sites.

A version of the interactive was adapted for the City of Camden website, allowing visitors to plan their day or subscribe to monthly newsletter updates from the Camden County Historical Society. We collaborated on this project with content writer Heritage Consulting Inc. and mural artist Donna Backues.

"Camden is expecting thousands—nay, think bigger—of history-lovers to flock to the Philadelphia region in 2026 for the United State’s 250th birthday and Camden officials want in on the action. One of the key attractions the city hopes will lure nerdy celebrants is an interactive digital mural in City Hall."
— Ximena Conde, WHYY